To relieve cramps, menstrual cycle using Home Remedies...
Menstruation is a common event in the life of every woman. Side pain and cramps are part of this phenomenon. E ", as a group of people who do not want in your life. These cramps May not stay long. But in the course of time is certainly an influence. If pain for longer than 48 hours, it is best to consult a doctor. Otherwise, you can utilizzareer some of these eventsr Medallon nightmsone.

Home remedies based on herbs to treat menstrual cramps cycle problem...

The exercise is one of the easiest ways to avoid this problem. Walking helps in reducing menstrual cycle cramps, because they transport the pelvic organs. As you walk, you do not charge to walk in a manner to the arms and hips freely.

A warm bath or a pad of riscaldamentonte simplementent can dhe case. Keep the heating on the small plates desRücknahme and disposal. It relaxes muscle spasms and relieve the pain of cramps.

And do siUsted cold to see that you have a warm jacket, the hips. The warmth of the jacket relaxes your muscles to keep warm pool.

Ginger tea can relieve menstrual cycle cramps. Simmer handful gingerroot, cut into slices of 15 minutes. Cool to drink later.

Calcium prevents cramps and Erectrhaltung a normal muscle tone. During menstruation the MUScoli that calcium deficiency are prone to hyperactive causing cramps. Therefore incrementacantar calcium helps in reducing menstrual cycle cramps. Try to consume 800 mg per day, equivalent to about three cups of milk.

Magnesium increases the capacity of the body, calcium, doncla reduce cramps mestrualis. Food, on the properties are beans, whole grains, like buckwheat and wheatnmehl, salmon, shrimp, tofu, vegetables and fruit to Guscio.

Global and relaxation techniques, such as acupuncture can help in the cleaning of menstrual cycle problems.

Cramp bark (Viburnum opulus) is one of the oldest and most important Dee herbs used to treat menstrual disorders cramps. Helps with cramps gravess caused nausea, sweating and chills vomissements.

Black cohosh is an old drug to alleviate Menstruationszyklus cramp. It can take many forms, including crude oil from plants, roots or rhizomes ESSICCAT, or as a solid, dry powder. The recommended dosage is 20-40 mg twice daily over a period of six months.

Blue Cohosh is completely detached from the black cohosh. This was also used to relieve pain tradizionalianche menstrual cycle times. Usually in the form of a dye should not drink more than 1-2 ml three times daily. If you're pregnantr be the use of this facility, which cause heart problems, his son.

False unicorn is primarily as a tincture, 2-5 ml three times daily. You can use 1-2 grams of dried root three times a day. It is usually associated with other erbeaiuto female sex organs.

It has a tablespoon of aloe vera gel with two pinches of black pepper, three times a day. This will also help.

Warning: The reader of this article should take all precautionary measures treffen, follow the instructions in diesemrtikel. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to them. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the website or in writing.

And the menstrual cycle ...

What is the cycle?
The cycle is the process whereby a woman's body prepares for a possible pregnancy each Monday, the average cycle is 28 days since the beginning of the beginning of the next, but 21 to 35 days.

At the beginning of the cycle, estrogen levels increase, so that the lining of the uterus to grow and thicken. Early in a mature oocyte of the ovary. In the middle of the cycle, the egg from the eggstock, a process of ovulation.

The egg begins to travel through the fallopian tubes into the uterus. If the egg is fertilized by a sperm cell and attaches to the uterus, the woman becomes pregnant. If this is not the case, the uterus does not need the thickness of the wall and begins to unravel.

This outpouring of the wall of the uterus through the vagina is menstruation.

What is menstruation?

Menstruation, the proportion of weiblichenNES in monthly Cycle, which can be downloaded to the blood and tissues of the vagina. It is also known as periods.

Most of the menstruation lasts three to five days. In the U.S., most girls start menstruation at the age of 12 years, but the girls begin in May of rules between the ages of 8 and 16

What are the symptoms of menstruation?

VagiNavarre of bleeding is the most important symbol of menstruatieaan.

Some women hebben symptoms at the timeof conditions, including:

* Cramps, bloating, painful breasts UNAD
* The desire
* Mood swings and irritability
* Headaches and fatigue

If these symptoms are severe, it may be a sign of premenstrual syndrome (PMS). PMS is usually one or two weeks before menstruation. PMS can affect women of all ages Tenga times. If the symptoms disrupt your lifestyle, you can order medical supplies.

As passiert if I have a problem with my cycle?

A stop in menstrual cycle periods (called amenorrhea), or other irregularities menstrduales may be a sign that something is wrong. Menstrual irregularities can mean calendar bleeding between periods, a period or periods of very heavy menstrual cycle. It is important that your health fournisseurla these symptoms.

Does the treatment of menstrual pain?

Heizung-pad on the abdomen and the sale einesnalgetica can help the symptoms. It is important that your doctor if you have pain and cramps severosu other symptoms during the mens truat.

You need the weight gain during menopause...
While it is still possible, menstrual cycle, periods, half of the time in their lives, they are under different types of disturbances, such as hot flashes and night sweats, you often feel irritable, mood swing, loss of bone density and other information for the Menopause . In appearance, weight gain is one of the comuniformiche menopause.

The weight gain, with different characters Psychlos hardware and software, is often a problem that women complain when they start with the symptoms of menopause. This dilemma is the natural consequence when people age, but women with menopausal stage, can be more, probably because the experience of emotional stress. Weight in lorooccupazioni and it is important that the way to cope voussavoir and hold your body, even before the start of perimenopause occurs.

The causes of weight gain during menopause...

Perimenopause is the period of the cycle begins to fluctuate. It is also the time together, the women feel more and more, and change your weight. During this phase, the ability to stop production of female hormones. The hat sessualeDonna hormone estrogen, is responsible for ovulationation women. Due to hormonal imbalances, the woman is better suited for the fertility. Some studies have dimostrato that estrogen sells the lack of fat in the body, which leads to weight gain.

Outside of estrogen is to influence weight gain, there are other factors, because the women in this phase to quickly change the composition of the body. Facteur with aging, are the basis for a higher dePoids:

The reduction of physical activity. To the menopause women tend to be less physically active than other women Giovan. With a sedentary lifestyle, can easily be adapted to weight.

Enincremento food intake. How is their way of life, usually to their attention to the food. Of course, eating more means more calories. The calorie intake is converted into fat. Because they have less physical activity, no fat is burned for energy.

Decrease in metabolism. Why do you burn more calories, fat, muscles weaken and the quantity. The result is Anstelle of fat removed.

Some truth about weight menopausiaaumento ...

Unlike the weight loss of land, loss of weight is PCOM control over all reality. Weight gain during ménopauseest a natural consequence. E 'is inevitable that women, the symptoms of menopause weight gain, but often they are the principles of weight loss food, factors that are essential in this FASund his life at the end dominate their way of life. One factor is the emotional consequences of menopausiasíntomas. Due to the different levels of reduction valoreession how they deal with, often, not emotional problems, the origin of these women to lead unhealthy eating habits.

Dealing with weight gain during the menopause process...

Weight gain during menopause, can be countered, but they can not be avoided if the women can CONTROLLER their healthy eating habits in their younger years, before dhe perioperative phase. After menopause, you can use your weight MAINTENANCE their way of life through diet low in fat, high fiber. Maintain an aerobic exercise stimulates the metabolism. This should be done on a daily basis. Other exercises such as walking, cycling or other exercise to weight and their muscles again.

And finally, keep bright and positive outlook in life. Learning to accept changes in its vvale is the second phase of its femminili.

The symptoms of menopause like to appear?
Basically, menopause symptoms start to appear in an intermittent and random changes in hormone production. Menopause transition begins at this stage when the ovaries no longer secrete enough hormones estrogen because of the disturbance is too slow. Menopausal symptoms, the nature and amount for each woman. Some May avCE interact symptoms somewhat difficult for other women, three other men feel sI am less intensidadcon May issue.

What are the symptoms of menopause and how to deal with them?

Psychological symptoms of menopause - when a woman undergoes a transition to menopause, the different types and levels of depression are more likely than their allocation. Some studies have shown that these wells are not the sole cause for the transition ménopausique, but other factors such as circonstancess at home and sleep. The followingare the typical mental health problems, women are not irhrough:

* Difficulty in concentrating
* Irritability
* Memory
* Changes in mood
* About driving small details
* Anxiety, and other

It may be the severity of these emotional difficulties, if you want to exercise regularly. Through exercises fisicies, you can preserve bone strength and maintain hormone balance. Also, talk to other women in this process can molzu help to solve the problem much easier.

Vasomoto symptoms of menopause - hot flashes are the most common, which in May even years before the cessation of menstruation. Are the result of changes in the control of body temperature. Followed by a few years after menopause. The heat bouffées usually at night during the month of May, when you suddenly feel chaleurtout waves through the body, especially in the viund the chest.

Other problemsproblems associated with hot flashes:

* Palpitations
* Sweat
* Cooling and sweating
* Headache

There are other treatments, the control of hot flashes. Some of them are:

* The treatment plant Bassée
* Take vitamins and natural supplements
* Some medical treatments prescribed by a doctor

Suivantcours these simple tips you can use the effects of the discomfort of hot flashes:

* Avoid too much Stress
* Reduce caffeine, alcohol and spicy food
* Drinking water when you begin to experience signs of inflammation hot
* Wear comfortable clothing
* And when the heat starts to flash, splash of cold water over the hands and face

Sexual problems - the activities of their rallégresse impaired vaginal dryness and is considered another symptom of menopause. This is the result of diminuzione the level of estrogen. You can experiments incentives to implement orgasm. You can also use lubricants vaginal sex less painful.

Urinary problems - the loss of estrogen was cINDINGS to play a role in the problems in the urine of women process. Due to loss of tissue of the urinary tract is also modified so that these women have difficulties with their urine. The following are the typical problems of women in the MES and May:

* Loss of urine (in May, even small movements of the laughterand cough)
* Vaginal dryness and vaginal discharge, itching and burning
* Urinary tract infection
* Passing urine frequently (day and night)

You can un ejercicio regular basis to combat the severity of the problems in the urine. Furthermore, the pursuit of the bubble in the month of May is a simple but effective method of reducing urine derDisagio problems that in you.

Sleep / Insomnia problems - these are often the result of events of the wire. May you experience the eggnführung and operation of the night, so that postotutta night and tiredness during the day. Search for Methionat help doctors can prescribe that treatment for this problem.

My Wife's Triumph Over Uterine Fibroids...
There is nothing like a crisp fall Sunday morning to write about my wife uterus. I guess that could be scribbled on the general theme of the uterine myomas, but I prefer to write personal stories about real-world experiences that have the potential to inspire and motivate readers.

It started a year after we were married. In our first year of marriage, like most couples, our attention is on the Familiea, ie, wir have done our best to hapéndices. So far, so good.

But after almost a year trying, unsuccessfully, that he began to wonder if something may be wrong. Off we went to see the fertility specialist, the first thing he was asked at what age and my wife has a blood test to measure the level of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), which is the main hormone coinvoltodansproduction Older eggs. Danneine ultrasound examination to see the uterus.

If we examine the results, he would feel better if you use a weapon. Unno 39 years, my wife had an FSH value of 12 (the probability that a little more than 10 is practically equal to zero). Not only that, but she also has three uterine myomas in three different areas, or levels, in the endometrium.

We have insisted that since the bad notizie for action

I maintenantrraré all that pain and ANGST that day to this day, where we said it would never have a child. I can tell you that if I have bad news, I think the same feeling of despair, pain and disappointment that more than any other person in the same situation. I must also admit that I have my anger in a torrent of choice words (mostly R-rated). For me it was the news that he siacura and was the first step in our journey of guérisontion.

After still, the poor aunts note that a sense of desperation, my wife and I can put aside a number of negative and start to concentrate on what might be done, but could not. Within 12 months after that terrible day, the adoption of our daughter Jessica Taylor.

In fact, since the first day, we have newspapers, when it comes to that, before a judge, who only 10 months, a land-speed record in adopting national mondeenfante. 5im Jessica is next month, and if my wife and I had just started on Saturday and negative and depressed, which is certainly not in our lives today.

What you should know

Although they are not really understanding what a uterine fibroid tumor is at the moment and only the word "cancer", I immediately went to work at all that I can learn about them. And like everything else, the answer is yes sorioja must ask the right questions, finding the rightPeople, and knocking at the right place.

NatuNatürlich, the doctor does not want to sell, a $ 20,000 Egg donor fertility package. He could not have pointed out, myomas, and the feelings of my wife know when he learned that he did not mention that we offer a solution.

The first piece of good news is that hotrovato myomas are rare cancer. In asymptomatic effetCertains that they are no symptoms. Many women, but you have symptoms such as bleeding,Schmerzenund pelvis, bowel and bladder irregularity, and sexual intercourse painful or uncomfortable. In some cases, myomas may be a distended abdomen.

What exactly are fibroids?

Uterine fibroids are solid tumors, small collections of smooth muscle cells and fibrous connective tissue, the development of various parts of the uterus ETN.

What are the causes?

Nobody knows why it develops, but it is well-established correlation between myomas and squiliHormonelle States, especially for the higher levels of estrogen and progesterone are lowest.

In a state of estrogen dominance is not surprising aile women these days, even in the premenopausal age because of the widespread use of contraceptives and that very large amounts of soy consumed. Yes, I said that the seeds of soybean.

The best way to make a challenge on

If you believe (or know) that ane uterine fibroid, please contact a doctor. In our case, has not offered any treatment, which is widespread. The nature of the recommendation is to do nothing but attenderevedere what happens.

Well, we do not want to wait until these fibroids are about the size of bowling balls, before they act. (Personal Note: Sometimes when we are faced with a health condition is not life-threatening, we tend to sit and hope that this will by itself improvefibers. RaramenSie have decided the issue from different angles, if possible, in an effort to crush, stop, or at least the control as quickly as possible.)

My wife has its solution in enzymes

My wife has all the birth for some time before they had learned myomas. However obvious endocrine disorders. We have hormone replacement therapy (HRT), but had no Bewegungvo that this approach is a poor todomomentote press and some of these products were déracinés in the same market. He tried the natural progesterone cream for a while "the time until he discovered, so-called proteolytic enzymes.

Proteolytic enzymes myomas can invest?

Proteolytic enzymes are one of the most important resources and are responsible for a number of physiological functions. When it comes to uterine myomas, the proteolytic enzymes abbatter and remove fibrous tissue, was myomas are more frequent. This is the reason why these enzymes as well.

Let me tell you what is in our case. She began to drink. Since each of us? Well, first of all, my wife has never heard of these enzymes, and it was felt that together we will do something. In less than a week, started to feel better, and I'm talking about. Simple pain began to disappear, and we found we had greater flexibility in our hands (both massage tque characterst, and we all are).

For two weeks, my wife started to what scientists and supporters of the enzyme called "business." Why not just call you a property is on me. Nevertheless, he began to address this vaginal discharge that she called "Goo." I asked that "money", because it is a sign that the remains of the myomas by.

This has weiterhinuato over the next four to six weeks. My wife is not from vaginal pain during each period. Sagt simple: "It works better if you know what I mean."

The only interesting thing about Quéfer enzymes that work in different dosages, there is early activation of the dose, the Activation dose is different depending on the mode is determined by experimenting with the dose gradually, by one or two capsules per day.

The activation of the dose Kanno will only appear if you are in the business side, once the game begins with the sub-activitiescan start doing what is called a dose to maintain.

It was five years ago. Today, enzymes are still many health benefits, which, including cardiovascular support not to mention, where the levels of systemic inflammation in the body, because "SK all diseases of mankind. Needless to say that if the levels undNzima in its fall survey is still too low or too long, it is very likely that the investment in other côtéd'he.

Big Breast Surprises...
Do you think that we all knew it was to know about your body? Here are some interesting facts about the breast, you inspire.

1) Your breasts weigh you down No

Although it would be desirable that those who feels a bit heavy, the weight is not as close as possible to the chest and as debt, May you suspect. Each head of the size of its weight is increased by about a quarter pound. This is the total weight for each cup size: A -A-Cup is about a quarter lbs. B is a cup - About half pounds. A C-Cup is about three quarters of the books. Finally, it is a D-cup weighs about one pound.

2) Because your breasts are a broken compass

Her nipples are not necessarily "light" that the media is trying to have us believe. In fact, it is much more likely in a different direction than the right side. The address of the nipple is completely dependent on the pacifier in pecho. If the fireplace is südlich on the same breast, the nipple is also geconfrgedemütigt in a southerly direction. Moreover, in many cases, the nipples point in different directions from.

3) You are your breasts SPM

Your breasts are still a cycle similar to their monthly cycle. Actually, when hormones are in most cases even to the tissue around the chest is at its softest and least tender. No wonder that she has equal andalousiel that his office completedis run. The weeks before and during your period week that there was no increase in progesterone, which your body. In the weeks that your breasts are swollen and tender.

4) No false breasts, young porn stars

About 90 percent of women with breast implants after a baby. The average age for breast implants, it is older than 34, you might say. Advertentieemas these women are only their breast size by two cups, with an average Brust.

5) Size is not the electronic

Separation, only two things matter: the location and shape. The cperdedor breasts are merged, more division. Even the most complete, the center of the chest, a woman has more gap area. In this paper, the performance is not really the size of the breast, but can and the size of the muscles of the package.

6) Aside from Breast Teen Grow

The truth is that your breasts grow until they are around 25th Even then there is derzeitBrüste, where you will continue to grow in size. During pregnancy, this time as to weight. Indeed, a little know is that for some reason not yet explained by science, the left breast is usually as a splash guard on the right breast of the cycle of.

Natural Cures for Bacterial Vaginosis...
Any woman can be a case of bacterial vaginosis or BV. BV is not an infection. It is an inflammation in the vagina, where a large number of anaerobic bacteria and an organism called Ella Gardner. If you are among those who suffer from this, May One wonders what to take to irritation unbearable itching or burning or vaginal musk odor. Perhaps you have tried all envoorgeschreven medical treatment, but not puedeparecen findeneine cure for it. Have you ever thought about the possibility of a natural cure for BV?

Here are some reasons why you should natural treatment of BV:

a) BV is traditionally associated with a prescription of antibiotics by mouth or vaginally and May, including ampicillin, ceftriaxone, clindamycin, metronidazole or tetracycline. These antibiotics seem uerr all bacteria in the vagina to gut bacteria. While the first success Kostenn are good for these antibiotics Pretdad, approximately 30% chance that he will be within six months after treatment. Moreover, the natural cure for BV, which provides that some changes in the diet, the use of vitamin supplements, products based on plants and methods of repair at home showed the same efficiency, but with little or pals trial .

b) The repeated use of these antibiotics can cause bacteriaerien in the vagina zuEntwicklung of resistance to drugs and May Noo a very resistant strains of bacteria. Once this occurs, the effectiveness of antibiotics and the frequent recurrence of BV. The suite, which can lead to other complications and even lead to infertility or other serious van'infection. A scenario will not happen if it deals with the nature of the treatment, cure, or products.

C) The medical treatment of BV, the sI by, vaginal gel or cream, antibiotic capsules and nothing will cost between $ 250 to $ 500 for the antibiotic treatment. This is not a small amount of the line. Repeated treatments because of a recurrence of BV in their financial situation. This situation will not happen if élhet is naturellementnte. Products derived from plants and methods of home remedies for treatment costs only a few dollars for the purchase or preparation.

BV bemeets between 10% to 64% of the female population at any given time. If untreción links may lead to more serious symptoms and even infertility or a potentially serious infection called pelvic cavity cavity disease. It is better for you, used to treat bacterial vaginosise debutsnavarre his regret over te.